
The goal of the Montana INBRE Native American Graduate Fellowship is to provide an opportunity for highly motivated Native American students who have demonstrated leadership potential in the biomedical, social and behavioral health sciences, as well as in the development of STEM programs and research in tribal colleges, to pursue their doctoral degree. In some cases, applications for study at the master’s degree level will be considered, though applicants are strongly encouraged to pursue the Ph.D. as their terminal degree.

Fellows will have the opportunity to work closely with a mentor or mentors in a program of study and to immerse themselves fully in their coursework and research. Montana INBRE will provide a year-round stipend so that fellows can devote 100-percent effort towards their degree as full-time graduate students. Through regularly scheduled meetings with program staff, fellows will learn about best practices in reporting and presentation. Fellows at the Ph.D. level will also be provided funds to attend one national meeting annually in their area of interest.  Master’s level students who are presenting at a professional conference also are eligible to apply for graduate travel awards.

Award Amount and Details

Native American Graduate Fellowships provide up to a $30,000 stipend, depending on other funding and scholarships available to the student. If a fellow’s tuition and fees are not already covered through other fee waivers or funding sources, Montana INBRE will also consider funding some of these additional expenses on a case-by-case basis, again depending on availability of funding and other factors. Receipt of the fellowship is contingent upon admission by the Graduate School at either Montana State University or the University of Montana. Proof of graduate school enrollment is required prior to awarding of the fellowship. Students who receive a fellowship or scholarship of equal or greater value may not be eligible for funding through this Fellowship. Fellowships are renewable for up to three years if students are meeting the expectation of progress to degree completion as determined through regular meetings with INBRE staff.

Funding for this fellowship is contingent on continued federal support by the National Institutes of Health.


Applications are welcome at any time; priority review will take place at the following dates:

  • Application reveiw for funding beginning during a spring semester will begin November 1.
  • Application review for funding beginning during a fall semester will begin February 15.

Before you apply, make sure that you have already:

  1. Been accepted to a research-focused graduate program at Montana State University or the University of Montana in a field related to human health. Montana INBRE defines health research broadly and, in addition to traditional biomedical fields, we also include fields such as social and behavioral sciences, nursing, human health and development, education, public health, community health, engineering, agriculture and others. If you are unsure as to whether your study area or graduate program qualifies for INBRE funding, please contact Sarah Codd.
  2. Identified a faculty graduate program advisor or mentor and discussed your plan of study. For new graduate students who have yet to begin their program, a department or graduate program chair may temporarily fill this role for the purposes of your application
  3. Requested THREE letters of recommendation supporting this graduate fellowship application, one of which must be from your graduate program advisor or mentor. For new graduate students who have yet to begin their program, a department or graduate program chair may temporarily stand in as your advisor for the purposes of the application. Please ask your letter writers to email signed .PDF copies of their letters to Sarah Codd. Your application will not be reviewed until all letters are received.
  4. Obtained .PDF copies of transcripts for any relevant college or university coursework previously completed (unofficial copies are acceptable)

PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to complete the application without the above information, and there is no save/return later option. Please complete all of the above before you begin your fellowship application.


Dr. Sarah Codd
Montana INBRE Student Programs Director